Enjoy complimentary shipping and easy returns on all orders.
We currently accept online orders with shipping addresses within the European Union.
To ensure the secure delivery of your order, byMatko does not ship orders to post office boxes.
We offer free shipping, but complimentary shipping is only available for orders placed on the website for delivery within the European Union.
From the time your shipment is picked up in our facilities in Norway, to delivery at your door, it shouldn’t take more than a few days.
We have partnered with expert couriers to deliver your shipment. We ship very valuable goods, and we work hard to make sure that all orders are handled safely and arrive as quickly as possible.
DHL Express is our preferred courier in the EU, and they are exclusively shipping all our goods throughout member countries of the union.
All orders need to be signed for by the paying customer unless stated otherwise on the order. If you need to ship a package to a different address than the billing address, be sure to add this address to the order. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us and we will assist you.
Refund and return policy
We appreciate the fact that you take time to explore and purchase products from byMatko, and as with any transaction there are terms and conditions that apply.
Experience is key
We care about your shopping experience, and want you to feel confident that your items arrive with care and on time. This is why we have chosen to partner with DHL Express, assured that delivery is done in a professional and safe manner.